Spencer Gardens

Spencer Gardens
Along the Waterfront, Nakusp, BC

Sunday, February 22, 2009

How to Eat Fat and Lose Weight

How can any fat burn fat? There's always a way. Good fat in your diet assists your body to burn fat faster thereby you are looking and feeling better sooner. Good fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Huh? I'll just list them for you, so much easier.

The mono...ones include canola and olive oil along with mayonnaise made from these oils. Don't forget yummy nuts, avocados and olives and soft margarine with no trans fat.

Poly......... fats are nuts, seeds, oils, mayo and margarine with 0 trans fat. ESSENTIAL oils must be included in a healthy diet, the Omega's.

Omega 3 is found in fatty fish like salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, trout and albacore tuna. A wide range of beans(legumes) are available along with flax seed, raw nuts, peanut butter, omega 3 eggs, walnuts, canola oil and margarine and mayo made with it's oil. Sound exciting? Add some more ESSENTIAL Omega 6. This can be found in safflower, sunflower and corn oils along with products made from them. I also take a daily 3-6-9 supplement just to have it covered. The best quality ones are refrigerated or you can purchase in gel capsules. I have to add that almonds, an all time favorite of mine are also good for just about everything! They score big!

To lose weight and stop clogging your arteries, messing up your heart and encouraging high cholesterol, cardiovascular ruination, etc. just slack off on BAD FAT foods. You probably have a pretty good idea what these are so I'll just include a brief list in this article. Of course it starts off with fatty cuts of meat - you know the ones - lots of marbleized white lines of fat and gobs of white yucky stuff around the edges. To heck with it being more tender, just use a tasty marinade. CHEESE - I often wonder why some people can't lose weight and then I discover how much cheese they eat. Well I really have a weakness for cheese, and feel justified to eat it because I don't drink milk and figure I need that calcium. I compromise by buying 'fat-reduced' cheese. I really like it now! Other dairy products are to considered in moderation also. Avoid coconut oil. Unfortunately most junk food and fast food will put you on a slippery slope. Use discretion and moderation. Hire a chef!! Tell the kids they don't have a life until they learn how to cook.

The last thing I'd like to add here for your benefit is about processed foods, especially the ones in the bad fat category. Myself I find it hard to trust food that has a whole list of ingredients that I can't even pronounce never minding not having a clue what they really are. Research has shown that they are linked to the formation of cancer cells in your body. Just replace a processed food with one you like better, one that's a 'real' food.

Grocery stores are stocked with an endless array of fantastic foods that are good for you! Choose wisely - health is wealth!

1 comment:

  1. I lost a lot of weight by taking Phentermine that I ordered from WWW.MEDSHEAVEN.COM i am very satisfied!
